• Developer New

    Wednesday, March 15, 2017

    Registering Before Filters On a Controller

    Registering Before Filters On a Controller


    You want a filter to occur before any actions on a specific controller.
    You thought about adding to app/filters.php, but are curious if there's another way to do this.


    Use Controller::beforeFilter()
    This is normally done in the constructor of your controller.
    class MyController extends \Controller
        public function __construct()
    Just like Route filters, you can add additional arguments.
    class MyController extends \Controller
        public function __construct()
            $this->beforeFilter('auth', ['except' => 'login']);
            $this->beforeFilter('csrf', ['on' => 'post']);
    Or implement the filter with a Closure.
    class MyController extends \Controller
        public function __construct()
                if (date('G') < 6)
                    return "This website doesn't work before 6am";

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